BDYCLB is an app for tracking calories and/or other activities.
You can download BDYCLB for free to see what its like.
To add tracking functionality you pay $.99 month to month.
Yearly subscriptions are also available for $9.99 (Save 16%)
Yes, correct.
Keeping track of what you ate, how many steps you took, and other tasks accomplished.
Being informed and organized actually gives you more time to enjoy the things you love.
Members can only see what you let them see which, by default, is nothing. But, following, sharing and connecting with friends on the app is awesome.
Yes - Sync data from FitBit, Apple Health, and Strava now. Others coming soon.
On the app go to Account > Goals.
Press the red + button on the bottom nav at any time - this will open the AddPad.
Press the red record video button and proceed as usual.
Please do.
Save any BDYCLB video to your phone: account > view profile > select video.
• Download the BDYCLB app on iOS.
• Open the app and press blue button "Join the CLB"
• Complete sign-up.
• On the next screen you will see a big subscribe button. Press that.
• Choose a subscription: Monthly or Yearly.
Monthly subscriptions are billed per month.
Yearly subscriptions are billed the total annual fee from the purchase date.
Yes. But why would you?